How It Differs

Heart Path Yoga is a service that differs from traditional western Yoga classes and individual or group psychotherapy sessions in the following ways:

  • It provides a holistic approach to treating the entire person, combining various physical practices of Yoga, psychological techniques for therapy and energetic skills.
  • Meditation, breath, mindfulness, Yoga poses, and Chakra/Energy healing are utilized by a licensed mental health professional trained in the practice of Viniyoga .
  • It is suitable for individuals who are addressing both physical and emotional pain. A licensed therapist combines traditional psychotherapy to design a practice of physical Yoga and/or meditation as an accompaniment or embellishment of medical treatment and physical therapy.
  • It is suitable for individuals from adolescence through advanced ages.  It is suitable for individuals who are physically challenged. The yoga teacher is trained to teach therapeutic Yoga for special needs: individuals do not need to sit on the floor (Yoga can be performed in a chair).  Individual sessions may be designed specially for the person through consultation with the client’s health care providers.
  • Heart Path Yoga is an alternative psychotherapy in that the client is guided with Yoga, meditation, and energy work to understand his/her own path to physical, emotional and spiritual health. Individuals who need medications are referred to their physician who may prescribe and monitored the medicine.  The therapist and physician consult to assure comprehensive care.
  • Grief (death, divorce, personal trauma) and life issues are addressed through psychotherapy and the individual is taught how to use Yoga and meditation to adjust and to create the life they want to live.